A Name Numerology Calculator is a tool that assigns numerical values to the letters in your name and calculates various numbers based on those values.
To use the Free Name Numerology Calculator, enter your full birth name in the above input box and click the "Calculate" button.
Numerology uses different number systems to assign numerical values to letters. The most common systems are:
Chaldean Numerology: This is considered the most accurate system for name numerology. It assigns specific numerical values to each letter of the alphabet.
Pythagorean Numerology: In this system, the letters are assigned numerical values from 1 to 9, with the numbers repeating in a cyclical pattern (e.g., A=1, J=1, S=1).
Kabbalah Numerology: This system is based on the Hebrew alphabet and assigns numerical values to letters according to their position in the alphabet.
Other systems include the Scandinavian, Armenian, and Symbolic numerology systems, each with its own unique method of assigning numerical values to letters.
Destiny Number - Calculated from your full name at birth, representing your life's purpose and overall path.
Soul Urge Number - Derived from the vowels in your name, reflecting your inner desires, motivations, and talents.
Letter | Value |
A, I, J, Q, Y | 1 |
B, K, R | 2 |
C, G, L, S | 3 |
D, M, T | 4 |
E, N, X | 5 |
F, P | 8 |
H, O, Z | 7 |
U, V, W | 6 |
This final single digit is your numerology "life path" number that reveals insights about your personality and life path according to numerology principles. Repeat the process for any nicknames or name changes for additional numerology insights.
There is no single luckiest number in numerology. However, sequences of repeated digits (1111, 2222, 3333, etc.) are considered highly auspicious signs. The number 4 also carries important symbolism, representing stability and determination. Ultimately, the significance of numbers is personal. Numbers resonating with your Life Path Number or numbers you feel intuitively drawn to can be your luckiest numbers.