Lucky Colour Calculator

Discover the colour that brings you luck with our free online Lucky Colour Calculator. Simply enter your birthday to reveal the colour that resonates positively with your energy and enhances your fortune.

What is a Lucky Colour?

A Lucky Colour is a colour that is believed to bring good fortune, prosperity, and positivity into one's life. The concept of lucky colours is deeply rooted in various cultural and spiritual traditions across the world. Color symbolism has been prevalent in many ancient civilizations, such as the Chinese, Egyptians, and Indians, where colors were associated with specific meanings and energies. In Chinese culture, red is considered the luckiest color as it symbolizes joy, good luck, and prosperity. It is widely used during celebrations like Chinese New Year and weddings. For Hindus, yellow is considered auspicious and is associated with knowledge, spirituality, and prosperity. It is often used in religious ceremonies and festivals.

How to Use the Lucky Colour Calculator

  1. Enter your birthday in the provided calculator.
  2. Click on the "Calculate" button.
  3. Discover your lucky colour!

Let the power of colour guide you towards prosperity, harmony, and success in various aspects of your life.

Interpreting Your Lucky Colour

Each colour carries unique vibrations and meanings. Here's a brief overview of what each colour symbolizes and how you can incorporate it into your daily life:


Red is a bold and energetic colour that represents passion, desire, and action. It's the colour of fire and blood, radiating warmth and intensity. Incorporating red into your life can help ignite your inner fire, boost your confidence, and encourage you to take bold steps toward your goals. Wear red when you need an extra boost of energy or motivation, or surround yourself with red accents to tap into its powerful vibrations.


Orange is a vibrant and cheerful colour that embodies creativity, enthusiasm, and optimism. It's a warm and inviting colour that can help you embrace a positive and adventurous mindset. Surround yourself with orange accents in your living or work space to cultivate a sense of joy and inspiration. Orange can also help boost your confidence and encourage you to express yourself creatively.


Yellow is a bright and cheerful colour that symbolizes joy, intellect, and clarity. It's the colour of sunshine, radiating warmth and positivity. Incorporating yellow into your life can help lift your mood, improve your concentration, and promote a sense of optimism and happiness. Wear yellow when you need a boost of energy or mental clarity, or decorate your space with yellow accents to create a sunny and uplifting atmosphere.


Green is a refreshing and calming colour that represents growth, balance, and renewal. It's the colour of nature, symbolizing harmony and stability. Surrounding yourself with green accents can help promote a sense of peace and tranquility, while also encouraging personal growth and balance. Incorporate green into your living or work space to create a serene and rejuvenating environment.


Blue is a soothing and calming colour that represents communication, trust, and stability. It's the colour of the sky and the ocean, evoking a sense of serenity and depth. Incorporating blue into your life can help promote clear communication, build trust, and create a sense of tranquility. Wear blue when you need to convey a sense of trustworthiness or when you need to stay calm and focused.


Purple is a regal and mysterious colour that represents spirituality, intuition, and wisdom. It's a colour that blends the stability of blue and the energy of red, creating a sense of balance and depth. Surrounding yourself with purple accents can help tap into your intuitive side, cultivate a sense of spiritual awareness, and promote personal growth and enlightenment.


Pink is a soft and gentle colour that represents love, compassion, and harmony. It's a nurturing and soothing colour that can help promote a sense of kindness and empathy. Incorporating pink into your life can help foster feelings of love and affection, both for yourself and for others. Surround yourself with pink accents to create a warm and welcoming environment that promotes self-love and emotional balance.


White is a pure and clean colour that represents purity, clarity, and new beginnings. It's a blank canvas, symbolizing a fresh start and endless possibilities. Incorporating white into your life can help promote a sense of clarity and focus, allowing you to start anew and approach situations with an open mind. Surround yourself with white accents to create a sense of calm and serenity, and to invite new opportunities into your life.


Black is a powerful and mysterious colour that represents protection, inner strength, and the unknown. It's a colour that can evoke a sense of mystery and intrigue, while also providing a sense of grounding and stability. Incorporating black into your life can help you tap into your inner strength and resilience, while also promoting a sense of protection and security. Wear black when you need to feel grounded and powerful, or surround yourself with black accents to cultivate a sense of mystery and depth.

Free Lucky Colour Calculator

Enter your birthday in the calculator above to unveil your lucky colour and harness its positive energy to manifest your desires and attract abundance into your life.